Top YouTube videos of 2022 | Tea and Forget-me-nots

If you saw my ‘2021 in numbers’ post. You’ll know that starting a YouTube channel wasn’t really in my plan for the year.

I decided to start one because it was a natural step from making before and after videos for Instagram.

In that post, I was excited about the number 25. 25 was the number of YouTube subscribers that I had, in December 2021.

And funnily enough, after I posted the blog post, it went down to 24. Oops!

I’d only posted three videos. And they were spread out between September to December. Not much of a plan of action.

So from starting with small ambitions for my channel, I am thrilled with where I am today.

Now I have over 800 subscribers. Thank you, if you’re one of them!

Personally, I don’t subscribe to many YouTube channels. Especially compared to following people on Instagram etc. So, it feels more meaningful to me.

Here are some other stats that blow me away:

  • 46,000 – the number of views I’ve had on my videos.
  • 1,700 – the number of hours my videos have been watched for. Considering most of my videos are between 3 and 10 minutes, that’s a lot of hours!

While I love those numbers, I’m also excited about what it might grow to in 2023.

But before we get there, here are the top 5 videos on my channel from 2022.

And the number 1 video is lightyears ahead of the number 2 spot. Something about that one was a winner.

Top YouTube videos of 2022

YouTube Video – Number 5

This 1-minute video hit the top spot for my top blog posts of 2022.

It was such a short video because there wasn’t much of a makeover involved. But it was still a great idea.

Maybe there should be more garden tips this year…

YouTube Video – Number 4

How to make MDF look nice… Actually, the only other video in this list to be one of my top 10 blog posts of the year.

It makes sense. So many people want to update their own pieces rather than buying new ones. And a lot of the time those pieces are MDF or chipboard.

Can you paint MDF? Will it look nice?

Here’s the blog post, if you’d prefer.

YouTube Video – Number 3

Packing a punch in the number 3 spot is my most recent video from December 2022!

This one was part of a DIY challenge with other refinishers. So, I think it got the views as they were all linked together in a playlist.

Definitely a good reason for doing more ugly duckling upcycles. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for ugly inspiration pieces.

Here’s the blog.

YouTube Video – Number 2

This one has a place in my heart. This chest of drawers is one of my favourites that I’ve ever made.

It was also one that I made a stupid mistake on during the makeover, so that was memorable.

It’s entertaining to watch when things go wrong. But as long as I don’t make the same mistake again, I’m ok with that.

Read about it here.

YouTube Video – Number 1

And number 1 by a long way…. my black cabinet makeover. Maybe it was the timing of the video, or that people struggle to paint with black paint, or it just got a bit lucky.

Who can say?

I really enjoyed doing this piece. Complete with kids’ drawings on the back.

And if you want to know how to paint black successfully, here’s how

I’m looking forward to seeing what the popular videos of 2023 will be. But first, time to get painting…

Check out the Tea and Forget-me-nots YouTube Channel here.


Hi there! I'm Rachel Bowyer, a passionate DIY enthusiast with a knack for transforming the old into something beautifully new. With a deep love for furniture painting, refinishing, and the art of crafting. I've been documenting my DIY projects and restoration journey since 2018. I specialise in techniques like decoupage, stencilling, and decor transfers. Join me as we explore the world of creativity and home improvement, one project at a time.

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  1. Congrats on the growth of your YouTube Channel! That is so wonderful! I keep thinking I should start one for my DIYs and organizing posts. I’ve just been too afraid to try it! Here’s to a fabulous 2023!

    1. Thanks, Donna. I suppose they key is whether you’re making videos for other social media anyway. In which case it’s maybe just slightly longer form of that.

  2. I am so impressed you have your own You Tube channel AND with the growth you have experienced. Your videos are great! Very informative.

    1. Thanks, Anna, that’s really kind.

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