Top 10 blog posts of 2022

From makeovers to great tools and repurposing ideas. Here are the top 10, most-read posts on the blog in 2022. 

2022 has been an exciting year for this blog. 

I’ve done collaborations with brilliant DIYers. Had guest posts from extraordinary people. And met industry giants, such as Annie Sloan.

Here are the most popular 10 blog posts of the year. 

This list is of the posts that were read more than any other. By subscribers, regular readers and new visitors.

Some of these may be new to you. I’d love to know what you found most interesting or useful this year.

You can find the 2021 top 10 here for more blog favourites. Some of these were still the most-read pages in 2022. 

That’s the wonderful thing about blogs, the library of ideas and inspiration just keeps growing.

Top 10 blog posts of 2022

Number 10 – How to paint a fridge

Some of the best things come out of spur-of-the-moment ideas. I hadn’t planned to paint my fridge then one day, bam, I had the thought and I just cracked on with it.

I think some people are afraid of painting shiny appliances. Will it work? Will it last? Will it look ridiculous?

top blog posts of the year - number 10 - how to successfully paint fridge

6 months later I feel the same about this fridge makeover as when I finished it… One of the best things that I’ve done in my home.

Number 9 – Update for a half-moon table

Entryway, half-moon, demi-lune or console. A table of many names.

This was such a lovely update for a simple project. The table started out quite plain and easily overlooked.

I had a bright green paint that I’d been waiting to try out on something. And this was the one.

 number 9 Half moon table makeover

The contrast of the green made the red tones in the wood look stunning. And I kept the wood veneer on the top to enhance both the wood and painted aspects.

Such a pretty update based on the science of colour theory.

Number 8 – How to use patterns in home decor

Patterns can be a scary thing to incorporate into home decor. Will it clash? Will it get old quickly?

So, instead of buying a pattern, how about painting one? Then when it’s time to update your decor again, you can just repaint.

top blog posts of the year - number 8 - Add patterns to home decor

It’s a low-risk and more interesting way of decorating.

I painted two pieces in this post. Not identical. You don’t need to make things match to show that they belong together.

Here’s what I did.

Number 7 – Repainting an IKEA dresser

It’s impressive when a more recent post hits the top spots as it hasn’t had as long for people to find it.

And this one is especially not for the faint-hearted. In fact, it’s quite wild!

This makeover was repainting an IKEA dresser that I decoupaged. And one of the best lessons I’ve learned this year is that a decoupage paper and a 2-year-old don’t always mix!

number 7 - Applying the stencil

I don’t always get feedback from the new owners of my pieces, especially if they sell in my retail booth.

But as this one stayed in my home, I got the full force of the “wow” after it was finished. And a rather adorable 2-year-old as my happy customer.

Here’s the before and after of both makeovers!

Number 6 – Repurpose a CD rack

What’s even more interesting than upcycling? Repurposing!

Turning something you don’t use into something you do.

This project was created from an old CD rack. Personally, I haven’t owned a CD for about 20 years. 

But I did have a CD rack that I was given for free which was otherwise going to the dump. That’s a good amount of solid wood to play with.

I used the wooden sides of the CD tower to create a jewellery holder. So simple. And really beautiful.

top blog posts of the year - number 6- Repurpose cd rack

You could recreate this with any scrap wood. It would also be a very thoughtful gift.

There are so many things that we just don’t use anymore in modern society. The world is our oyster for how we can reinvent them to save them from landfill.

Number 5 – How to use Google Lens

You know when you hear about something cool and want to tell everyone about it?

That’s how I feel about Google Lens.

It is such a brilliant tool with so many uses. From finding out information on items with no history to translating things you don’t understand.

number 5 Google lens

See something on Facebook Marketplace. Want to know if it’s an antique or IKEA? Google Lens can help you find out.

In fact, that’s exactly how I did find out that the dresser in my number 7 post was from IKEA.

If you don’t know about it yet, check it out!

Number 4 – The 8 rules for upcycling for beginners

This post was a mixture of a makeover, key rules for painting, and part motivational guidance.

It includes the steps to start upcycling as a beginner. But a lot of the post is about how to not be overwhelmed or demotivated when starting or doing a project.

top blog posts of the year - number 4 - best upcycling project for beginners

It’s taking a long time? Can be annoying.

You’re painting the family heirloom? Could be stressful.

Made a mistake? It’s frustrating.

Follow these rules and you can enjoy upcycling. It’s great for creativity, your budget and the environment.

Number 3 – How to upcycle an old wooden chair

This chair is one of the prettiest things I’ve ever made. I still have it and it makes me smile to look at it.

But it was definitely a hard-earned place. It took hours and hours of sanding. 

number 3 upcycle an old wooden chair

This chair came as a pair. So I still have another one. Would I do it again? Hmm, it’s not tempting.

But would it be popular if I did? I bet!

Here’s how I upgraded a plain wooden chair.

Number 2 – How to make MDF look nice

Do you ever forget how long ago something was and assume it must have been a lifetime ago?

I was shocked that this makeover happened in 2022. It feels like one of my blog staples. And therefore feels like it must have been an old one.

It captured interest because it’s such a common problem. 

top blog posts of the year - number 2 mdf chest before painting

MDF is so popular as a building material these days. It’s cheaper to make and therefore more affordable to buy. But that often makes people feel like it’s more disposable too. 

And one goal of this blog is to help people believe that they can upgrade their existing furniture rather than buying new.

So, here’s how you can make MDF look nice…

Top blog post of 2022 – Number 1 – How to hide a garden hose

It’s hilarious to me that after all the hours I put into painting beautiful things, the top post of the year didn’t involve paint. Or really much time at all.

It just goes to show, simple is effective.

I think this post was popular because it solves a problem. It isn’t about a makeover but creating an interesting solution.

number 1 Hide garden hose

A few people commented that I should “just buy a hose reel”, ignoring the entire point of the post.

It was a solution to not buying a hose reel. Using something I already had. And upgrading my garden, for almost free. 

And I’d recommend it to others too, which means it was probably a good idea!

So, that’s the top 10 blog posts of 2022. Did any of these posts surprise you? Or is there anything you’d like to see me tackle next year?

I can’t wait to see what the top 10 for 2023 will be. What an exciting prospect!

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top posts of 2022

Hi there! I'm Rachel Bowyer, a passionate DIY enthusiast with a knack for transforming the old into something beautifully new. With a deep love for furniture painting, refinishing, and the art of crafting. I've been documenting my DIY projects and restoration journey since 2018. I specialise in techniques like decoupage, stencilling, and decor transfers. Join me as we explore the world of creativity and home improvement, one project at a time.

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  1. Great posts Rachel and I loved the hose reel!

    1. Thanks, Sara. Happy New Year!

  2. Hi Rachel! You had so many amazing posts this year! I’ve learned a lot from you! Thanks for sharing your projects and can’t wait to see what you do in 2023!! I loved the jewelry holder you made from a CD organizer! Happy New Year!!

    1. Thanks so much Donna. Happy New Year to you too!

  3. Oh my goodness. How to make MDF look nice has got to be my favorite post. You had so many great posts and topics in 2022. I can’t wait to see what you do in the coming year.

    1. Thank you, me too ha!

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